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Long Point Trip - March 17, 2018

The sun was out but a chilly wind blew as the SFN group gathered at Lion’s Park in Port Rowan. The bay was open and most of the birds were well offshore.

With scopes we could identify Tundra Swan, Canvasback, Redhead, Gadwall, American Wigeon, scaup, Hooded and Common Merganser in the large flock of waterfowl. A passing immature Bald Eagle scared up a cloud of birds. By the time we got to Bird Studies Canada our group had grown to 21. We added Ruddy Duck to our list.

With the large group we decided to split up for lunch with most going to the Boathouse and a smaller group heading into Port Rowan to The Coffee Place. After lunch we went south along the causeway stopping briefly at the bridge before the whole group got back together at the tower overlooking Big Creek Marsh. Two Sandhill Cranes were seen along the berm close to the tower and Ring-necked Duck and Northern Pintail were added to the day’s list. We had a nice walk around the trails at Old Cut but found very little of interest.

Looking over the bay from the end of Rogers Avenue was also unproductive. Next was Lee Brown’s which turned out to be the best stop of the day. In the open pond were lots of Tundra Swans, Canada Geese and wigeon but the find of the day was 7 Greater White-fronted Geese feeding on the edges. Everyone got good looks at these Arctic breeders which are not common in our area. A bonus was a striking Horned Lark which landed in the sun just in front of our group.

While driving the inland roads we found a male Northern Harrier and small groups of swans. Watching a group of white swans flying against the blue sky is always a treat and one of the joys of spring. Thanks to all who participated in an excellent day out.

Steve Thorpe

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